Taking a look at the SIP-TO-SUIT Card Design

Double the fun with Poker Game and Coffee

Deck Construct

Shuffling through Methods Cards on Standard Edition deck

Find it fast! Information is arranged and grouped by suits and color to ensure brew methods, drink formulas, and coffee fundamentals can be located quickly.  

PRO-TIP - The method cards are ordered by brew method involvement (that's preparing, brewing, and cleaning!) from a more complicated #10 card, like a vacuum pot, to a simpler #2 card, like a pour over cone.

The drink cards are ordered by their typical coffee drink strength, from a stronger, more intense #10 card, like an Espresso Romano, to a milder #2 card, like a milk-based Latte.



Brew Meters

Each method card has carefully researched brewing parameters and starting points, presented in easy-to-understand Brew Meters. These Brew Meters provide an illustrated reference for the user to adjust the brewing values to suit their taste.


How to read the BREW METER? The solid shaded gray box indicates the typical brew range as commonly  practiced in the coffee community.  The orange lined box indicates the  popular brew choice and would be a  good starting point if you need a  reminder of where to begin.   Of course, tastes and flavors differ by  personal preference and coffee choice, so use these cheat cards to help you  remember, visualize, and adjust each  parameter one at a time to tailor the  next brew to your taste! PRO-TIP Some brew ratio values are bolded on the Brew Meter. They serve as a  helpful reminder of the Golden Ratios as recommended by SCA (Specialty  Coffee Association) and NCA (National Coffee Association USA).
Close up of Jack of Spades showing ideal brewing temperature range

Deck ComparisonSip-To-Suit Decks Comparison

Joker Card Design comparison between Standard Edition and Waterproof Edition
Sip-to-Suit card back design comparison between Standard and Waterproof editions
Sip-To-Suit Decks Comparison Table

100% Waterproof

Waterproof Edition cards are made out of thin but durable synthetic PVC material and are completely washable under running water!

Waterproof Edition Cards washing under tap
Family Shot of Sip-To-Suit
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